Positive Legacy supports grant funding needs from nonprofit organizations with the impetus of supporting a charitable purpose affecting disadvantaged people or the environment.
Positive Legacy's grant priorities include:
Environmental protection and conservation
Educational programs and positive youth development
Neighborhood improvements and community problem-solving
Health, wellness, and food security
Economic development
Cultural preservation and enrichment
Positive Legacy accepts applications by invitation only. If you have an idea to be considered, please request an invitation by submitting a Letter of Intent (LOI). If your LOI is approved, Positive Legacy will follow up with an invitation to submit an application.
What Positive Legacy DOES NOT FUND:
Grant projects that do not align with our mission and core values
Individuals (except in the case of Disaster & Emergency Relief)
Private foundations
Religious doctrines or activities
Political or legislative advocacy activities
Endowment funds
Capital campaigns
Organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability status in the delivery of services or in their employment practices
Positive Legacy integrates music and service to benefit people and the planet. We are grantmakers who coordinate environmental and humanitarian service projects fueled by the power of music. We transcend cultural boundaries by attending to the needs and aspirations of the communities where music happens. We create sustainable support through action from musicians and fans.

COVID-19 Relief Fund
In April 2020, Positive Legacy began to grasp the short and long term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the impact on our largest partner in making a difference: the music industry. We quickly reorganized to continue to do what we do best - help people in need. The Positive Legacy COVID-19 Relief Fundraiser was launched and over $65,000 was raised and distributed in $250 payments to live music industry crew who were out of work.
Here is what a couple recipients had to say:
"This helps me keep my house and make it another month until I can apply for unemployment. I'm truly honored to be in this industry and I'm forever grateful to you." ~ Jen
"Allow me to personally thank you for approving my application. I am totally thankful for the efforts of everyone at Positive Legacy. Facing financial difficulty in these unprecedented times, this grant is of incredible help. Thank you!” ~ Julien
“The grant you gave me this year saved my life. Bought food”. ~ Pete
Everyone Orchestra
“Positive Legacy provides an important and unique opportunity for fans and professional musicians to make a difference in the communities they are visiting as well as reinforcing the strong community bonds that are the roots of our scene. Music is fun to dance to, but more importantly it brings us together, gives us friendships and community and PL gives us extra purpose and meaning to all of that.” ~ Matt Butler of Everyone Orchestra

Day Of Service Attendee Testimonials
“We love to be a part of PL. The turtle beach has made major progress. This is our 4th year and we’ve made friends through PL. Thanks!” ~ Joe & Jean from Mt Vernon, WA | Closer to the Sun 2019
“I look forward to this day of service every time I come to CTTS. :) So grateful to be a part of such an amazing group of humans. And thank you for taking such good care of us when we are away from the resort. Soooo much love.” ~ Brooke from Denver, CO | Closer to the Sun 2019
“I have a completely new view on Styrofoam and plastics. My kids are going to hear all about this. Thank you for the great day.” ~ Meggan from AK | Wilco 2020
“Thankful that Positive Legacy exists & that we had an opportunity to contribute something positive to the local community. This entire experience was very eye opening and, honestly, terrifying. It’s insane the amount of trash we found on such a small piece of the beach and it really makes you reconsider your consumer habits. Feeling thankful today.” ~ Jesse from Boynton Beach, FL | Wilco 2020
“Such an eye opening experience. Proved to me that we all can take little steps to improve things. If we are ALL taking a step, that translates to millions of miles!” ~ Barb from NJ | Wilco 2020
“Thanks for encouraging kids to join and learn about taking care of our environment. Educational and fun!” ~ Bonny, Verity & Eliza from New Orleans, LA | PELP9 2020
“Such an amazing experience - equal parts fun & feel good. Eye opening to see how we are impacting our world with plastic – truly life changing. Grateful for the experience – will never miss the opportunity to join a Positive Legacy event! Thank you!” ~ Julie from Atlanta, GA | GJWW2 2020
“Thank you for reminding us about our choices both with how we handle our trash and the products we buy that create it.” ~ Shawn and Jennifer from Binghamton, NY | GJWW2 2020
“Great day learning about what Positive Legacy is doing to help save the planet. It was amazing-in a sad way- to see how much trash is out there on the beach. Thank you for the opportunity to help.” ~ Yaria & Kris from WA | GJWW2 2020
“Love the opportunity to teach our kids about the world around them, and caring for the earth. Thanks for helping us help our kids be better people.” ~ Owen, Eli, Amy and Steve from Rhinebeck, NY | Avett Brothers at the Beach 2020
“What a fantastic initiative! It felt SO good to give back to our beautiful host country. It was a real eye-opener to travel through the community and learn more about local life. Thank you! I am inspired to do more events like this!” ~ Joanna from Livemore, CA | Avett Brothers at the Beach 2020

Menos Plástico es Fantástico
During the 2019-2020 event season, Positive Legacy provided Menos Plástico es Fantástico with a $13,000 grant to fund the labor and materials needed for a year's worth of weekly beach cleanups.
By late March 2020, when the world pandemic hit, the economy of Mahahual, MX was jolted by the abrupt tourism pause; the crew working the beach cleanings were some of the few remaining employed persons. The community members were nearly in tears as they thanked the crew lead for not giving up on this project and for providing them with weekly income to help cover their basic necessities. The humble team thanked Positive Legacy for the support and enabling them to continue making money and providing for their families during this time of crisis.
Learn more and read the full project report here.

Hands Up for Haiti
Hands Up for Haiti (HUFH) delivers lifesaving health care to the sickest and most impoverished people of Northern Haiti. With Positive Legacy’s continued funding, they are achieving: Haitian Run + Haitian Led = Lifesaving Programs that Build a Better Future.
Fritznel Jean, Assistant Executive Director on the in-country leadership team, shared that: “Together with your support, we made Hands Up for Haiti become our own on the ground and that brought many positive changes. During the unrest and now because of the travel bans, many organizations couldn’t follow up because they rely on people from USA or Canada. These people had to leave the country or couldn’t get there. But at Hands Up for Haiti, because we have done so much EDUCATION and TRAINING with your support, our ground staff could take over. Our Hands up for Haiti staff did not give up. We created strategies to get to the communities we are serving, especially the malnourished children.”
2017 - Funding focused on Hypertension Screening and Treatment
In Dondon, Haiti, where the program saw almost a 100% compliance rate, Wisly reported that the patients are so grateful; they come every month because, in the words of the patients enrolled, “This program saves our lives.”
2016 - Funding Water Wells
Wells were especially vital due to Hurricane Irma which caused cholera to become a major threat. The availability of clean water from the wells provided residents with a much better chance of remaining healthy.
2016 - Electrical System Funded
Positive Legacy provided funding to upgrade the generator and electrical system of a core medical clinic serving 25,000 people in the neighborhood of Shada, the most impoverished area of Cap Haitian, so that the clinic could function properly and serve the community. Upon completion, the clinic administrator for over a decade, Miguel-Ange, said “Thank you for the electricity.” One morning before a visiting outreach team was to arrive at the clinic, 40 people were waiting in the outside area for the team to begin. The patients and their children were all dressed in their Sunday best to see the doctor. The clinic serves hundreds of patients each month, hosts both prenatal and childhood malnutrition programs, offers vaccines, and in essence, is the only low-cost clinic to serve the 25,000 people living in abject poverty in Shada. They currently see about 150 patients each month, 75% of whom are children.

Xcacel Turtle Sanctuary
In the words of Program Director Alajandro, “For two years Positive Legacy has been coming to the sanctuary, engaging in service projects that have contributed to the management of the site. One activity was cleaning the turtle trail that takes visitors to a specific swimming area on the beach, which helps to have better control during the nesting season so that people avoid disturbances in the April to December nesting season. This activity is contributing to a balance between turtles and visitors. The group cleared a trail that goes to the cenote, which is very useful in surveillance of illegal fishers and poachers and monitoring the 2.5 km that the Sanctuary covers. Positive Legacy established a picnic area, cordoning off and installing signs with the rules of visitation to the sanctuary. The group built picnic tables in this area and the different zone allows visitors to eat and avoid taking their food and trash to the beach, avoiding contamination of the sanctuary. One of the activities with great relevance was cleaning solid and microplastic residues that come from the sea currents that affect turtles during the nesting season. Additionally, the construction of a watchtower on the beach which allows surveillance for beach safety for visitors, the turtles and poachers.
All these actions in which Positive Legacy contributed labor and material purchases have allowed us to take care of the ecosystems, the diversity of fauna and flora in addition to the turtles that have the Xcacel-Xcacelito Sea Turtle Sanctuary State Reserve.
It's been 22 years since the reserve was established for the conservation and protection of the nesting grounds and natural area. With these improvements provided by Positive Legacy, the managers of the site can have a better control in the management of visitors and provide the best conservation efforts to the two species of turtles that nest at the sanctuary. This is of great importance on a national and international level, as the space hosts approximately 510 Loggerhead Turtle nests and 39,679 Loggerhead babies per year, and an average of 3,810 Green Turtle nests and 303,712 Green Turtle babies per year.

Sail Cargo
Sail Cargo Inc. was the 2019 recipient of Positive Legacy’s first John Long Entrepreneurial Award for they are well on their way to fulfilling their mission to inspire change in the shipping industry. Along with laying the keel in January 2019 and making tremendous progress on their dream throughout the year, they also found great success in other ways: from holding the first Annual Summit to facilitate communication in the green cargo industry, to erecting an education center that has brought learning and career opportunities for locals in woodworking and small boat building, to being able to provide employment opportunities to the local women for cooking services.
Watch their amazing progress unfold here.

Dreams for Mayan Children
The Learning Center “La Casa de la Naturaleza” (House of Nature) in Nuevo Durango, MX, became operational in 2018-2019 thanks to our partner Dreams for Mayan Children, and is currently offering programs for locals and tourists! The center not only encourages children to become “Green Leaders” with various environmental education programs, but the music program that is held on a bi-weekly basis has experienced great success. In addition to the music classes, children are given the opportunity to participate in different educational programs and trips including projects with the Playa Xuuxne group located in Playa del Carmen. This provides an opportunity for children to see and learn from the children of the city and vice versa, exchanging cultural views and bringing together two different communities allowing each side to learn from one another. These trips give the village kids the opportunity to exit their comfort zones to experience what life is like outside of their village. In return, the children of indigenous communities are able to share their traditions and cultures with the children from the city. This has created valuable experiences for children from both communities.

All Hands & Hearts
When Juan Ignacio Capilla [79] first met the All Hands and Hearts Co-Founder Petra Nemcova and philanthropist Frank Giustra, he had one plea: help him fix his wind-torn roof for Francisca, his 93 year-old mother. After Hurricane Maria ravaged Puerto Rico in September 2017, Juan managed to fix his roof enough to create a livable environment for the two of them; however, the leaking was a constant hindrance in everyday life.
Volunteers arrived early in the morning and were promptly greeted by Juan, Francisca, and Juan’s granddaughter, Javi. Throughout the two days that the volunteers replaced the roof, the family and neighbors socialized and reminded volunteers, “Grandmother is waiting for her dry home. We’re all so grateful for you!” At the end of the second day, Juan was able to bring Francisca to see their new roof and greet the volunteers. Through tears, she asked to meet each volunteer and thank them individually, giving them kisses and blessings. Juan stared thoughtfully at the roof and repeated tearfully, “No hay agua. No hay filtración.” There’s no water. There’s no leaking. The process from the initial assessment of their needs to putting on a whole new roof took two weeks thanks to the All Hands & Hearts crew.

Fuentes De Vida
Positive Legacy participated in a five year intensive community development program aimed to provide safe drinking water and wastewater treatment for 500 people and 128 homes through the Fuentes de Vida (or sources of life) project in Domingo Maiz, Veron, Dominican Republic. In 2016, the project was awarded the Ecological Water Sources Planting Award from the Sur Futuro Foundation highlighting the efficient use and conservation of water and its quality, making it a viable example for replication in other communities in the region.