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#BeBetter Daily Action Tips


Updated: Jan 19, 2021

Help make our planet a better place for all of us by incorporating these tips in your daily routines!

At Home

  1. Strive for Zero Waste

  2. Eliminate Paper Goods: Use cloth napkins instead of paper towels, consider a pee cloth instead of paper towels, etc.

  3. Strive to become a plastic free home: Start with your toothbrush and Tupperware

  4. Conserve Energy: Turn off and unplug appliances when not in use. Turning off your phone at night provides a mental break too!

  5. Switch to energy efficient light bulbs

  6. Make your own cleaning products: Like laundry soap

  7. Beauty and feminine products: Look for Q-tip alternatives, consider more eco friendly feminine products: no more plastic applicators or even the diva cup and look for items like Plastic free Native deodorant (1% for the Planet members)

  8. Reduce: Try not to purchase unnecessary things; you’re at home more, what can you invest in or buy bulk to reduce packaging? Could your beverage consumption be more eco friendly? Ditch the individual coffee pods and consider buying bulk loose leaf teas and metal filters instead of individually wrapped bags.

  9. Reuse: Shop at the thrift stores, wash and reuse ziplock bags, reuse all bags for cat litter, diaper disposal, pet food chips and bread bags for trash bags.

  10. Repair- Can it be fixed before being tossed?

  11. Recycle - Education yourself on how to recycle your Electronics

  12. Research local compost options or start your own compost. You’ll be amazed at how much trash can be reduced!

As an Individual, Business or as a Consumer

  1. Choose to enroll and commit yourself or your business as a 1% for the Planet Member

  2. Purchase the Energy Star when replacing appliances

  3. Look for the 1% Business Member logo when purchasing

  4. Say no to single use items

  5. Buy organic when and where you can

  6. Encourage your employees to be green by setting up carpools or using alternate transportation modes

  7. Put plants around the office to clean the air and provide living ambiance

At Work & On-The-Go

  1. Pack your lunch: Use reusable everything if possible like sandwich/snack bags, utensils, coffee cup, water bottles

  2. Combine errands when driving and try to make one trip

  3. Go Paperless: If you must print, use both sides and also reuse paper for scrap paper

  4. Recycle Ink: Purchase recycled paper and support green vendors/1% companies

  5. Conserve Energy: Remember to power down & unplug

  6. Reusable shopping bags

  7. Refuse single use items

Around the Hood

  1. Eat Local: Join a CSA, participate in Community Garden & Compost and support Bulk Refill shops

  2. Put up Little Free Libraries or Food Pantries

  3. Educate and encourage your neighbors to walk more, to recycle, to compost, etc.

  4. If in an apartment building, see if you can set up smaller recycling stations around the building that can then be brought to the main area, making access easier for everyone!

  5. Pick up trash while walking the dog or start a plogging run group

  6. Switch to an electric mower

  7. Adopt a Road

  8. Organize a neighborhood clothes swap

  9. Volunteer for the environment: Find opportunities from home here

  10. Nonprofits fighting for social & environmental justice



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