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Dana Di Croce – Shares some Positive Legacy experiences


Dana Di Croce is one of Positive Legacy’s Rock Star volunteers. She joined us on her first day of service on Jam Cruise in 2010, and a volunteer for life was born! We asked Dana to share some words about her experiences with Positive Legacy. Here’s her account of her PL experiences over the years. Enjoy!

After many years of Ann asking me to take the plunge and join the Jam Cruise experience, my family was finally at a place where we felt I could leave them and indulge. That first year was 2010, Jam Cruise 8. I actually came on as a Positive Legacy volunteer team member. From the get go I realized the quality of people involved and their commitment to a mission I felt completely aligned with. And the music didn’t hurt either. While we were at sea that year my daughter actually had a serious accident at home and part of what I recall was how caring and comforting the other PL team members were even though I had just met all of them a few days prior. I took the following year off because my family was not ready for me to leave again but was back for Jam Cruise 10 and haven’t missed out since. I continued as a volunteer team member the next couple of years and then these past three years have been an actual “cruiser” while lending a hand to PL especially in the auction category and always attending the days of service.

A few vivid memories for me are the days of service. Into the hills of Jamaica, helping with a community center, leaving a mural on the side of their building and playing soccer with the kids in the rain. Planting seedlings in Haiti and off loading containers of shoes. Dancing with the local children and playing make shift instruments with local musicians as well as our JC artists. Building gardens and playgrounds. The loving integration and celebration of all who participate seems to be pure joy for so many. The Bob Moog sound school is incredible, always a highlight to see peoples faces with the realization of how music technically resonates. The artists and the interfacing with PL is yet another feather in this organization’s cap. From the signings, day of service, live and silent auctions, these musicians want to be a part of this team, they see a way to make their contributions greater via Positive Legacy’s mission.

I’ve witnessed the PL team in times of pure joy, mission accomplished beyond all expectations. There have also been dark times, when months of hard work by several team members has been, crushed, if you will. They learn from every experience and this crew has an amazing attitude and professional side to them that is exemplary. It’s been inspiring to watch over the past 13 years, a vision turn into so much more than just a reality. I think the gifts that have been given back are far greater than what has been given out. I’ve seen PL develop from: Lets do our part and green…. to a full fledged 501(c)(3) with a board of directors and credentials that are incredible, to Cloud 9 realizing what an asset PL is to their entire offering, not just on JC, but far beyond to land based events. Who knows where this will go in the future and how timely this work is.

Positive Legacy does their part in bringing the soul of music and service to unite people.        

~Dana Di Croce

Picture from Jam Cruise 11 – Positive Legacy Day of Service in Grand Turk – Dr. Bob Sound School



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