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Urban Garden Initiative – Puerto Morelos, Mexico


Strings & Sol guests were invited to join Positive Legacy for the kick-off the Urban Garden Initiative in Puerto Morelos during Strings & Sol. The day of service took place at the local high school where guests and students were able to get their hands dirty building garden beds, bagging healthy soil to use for the gardens, painting signs for the garden, and planting seeds with the students. Tim Carbone was even the foreman on one of the projects! These instructional gardens will provide the students and local community members with a model on how to get a garden started and growing healthy at their own home.

After the hard work was done for the day everyone relaxed to the sounds of some local music with special guests Tim Carbone & Andy Goessling from Railroad Earth. There was a locally catered lunch and activities with the kids featuring The Big Fun Circus. Positive Legacy was able to grant Puerto Morelos $24,000 for their Urban Garden Initiative! We are all looking forward to seeing how our legacy continues through the Urban Garden Initiative and hope to see the gardens multiplying throughout the community. Thanks to all of the Strings & Sol guests that joined the day of service!



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