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ZeroHero – Empowering the world with simple and proven zero waste systems and strategies. Recycle at your office, compost at your school, go zero waste at your event, ZeroHero will show you how. 

ZeroHero is the Cloud 9 Adventures greening partner on Holy Ship! and Jam Cruise. They arrange the compost and recycle services for both Holy Ship! cruises and Jam Cruise. You may have noticed their waste stations/tents on Jam Cruise or Holy Ship! in the past. They arrange zero-waste initiatives from ordering compostable cups for beverages, insuring that recycling and composting actually happen on the cruise and are delivered to the correct facilities, to bringing in solar arrays for the Jam Cruise Solar Stage. Every year ZeroHero grows their greening program by adding a new aspect for refining an existing aspect of the program.

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